Alyssa Pitts Reveals Why The "Problem Horse" Usually Isn't The Problem
According to Alyssa Pitts, the term "problem horse" is a misnomer for equines who have had a rough start in life. The Washington-b

Geldings No Longer "Preferred": Mares Join The Spotlight
Undoubtedly mares are a polarizing gender, and assumptions about their disposition have lead some people to avoid purchasing female horses.

It Takes A Village: How Dawn White-O'Connor Earned The Reins To Olympic Mount Legolas
Dawn White-O'Connor apprenticed under the close eyes of Steffen and Shannon Peters, putting in hours as a groom and assistant trainer be

Lauren Sprieser on Managing Expectations - Part 2
As someone who has taken multiple horses from scratch and turned them into Grand Prix competitors, Sprieser explains that training a horse t

Nowhere To Go But Pro: Biochemist Katy Barglow Finds Calling In Training
By day Barglow is a PhD level biochemist in the biotech industry, but the full-time scientist who wears many hats - or helmets, also moonlig

Lauren Sprieser on Managing Expectations - Part 1
"I want to start by telling you that if everybody asked the right amount from their horse every day I would have to be in a different l

Designed for Dressage: Enrique de Benito Discusses The Modern PRE Horse
A pivotal group of PRE breeders, including Enrique, have picked up where the military left off, continuing to revolutionize the breed to pro

Climbing The Rider Fitness Pyramid - Part. 2 Flexibility
Just one level above balance, Amanda sites flexibility, or in equestrian terms "suppleness", as the second step on the Rider Fitne

8 Reasons Why USPRE Week Is Disneyland For Dressage Enthusiasts
If Las Vegas is Disneyland for adults then USPRE Week is undoubtedly the happiest place on Earth for dressage enthusiasts. The 5-day long ev

The History Of Dressage: Evolution On A Circle
Since Before Christ horses have been an essential part of nearly every culture's history. Yet after over 2,500 years of depending on...