Dark Horse Chronicles: Remembering Kill Pen Horse Who Captured Hearts From Kids To Disney
Holly had school horses and a succession of ponies to ride, but at age 12, she’d never had a special horse to call her own. However, her luc

Here's What Another Year Looks Like For Equestrians
If we're being honest with ourselves, 2018 is likely to bring a lot more of the same. But that's OK. After all, our instructors say

Developing The X-Factor: JJ Tate On Teaching Horses To Love Their Work
In a classic case of nature versus nurture dressage trainer and international competitor, Jessico Jo (JJ) Tate, examines exactly what makes

What Happens To Our Horses When We Disappear?
Eventually, I began to wonder what difference does it really make what we've put on paper? To the horse - if we own them, lease them, ri

Santa, This Is How You Do An Equestrian Christmas
Santa, I've been good - kept my heels down, chin up, cleaned my tack with respectable regularity - so this year, I've got a few favo

Failing Forward: Lendon Gray on Molding Good Students, To Create Great Riders
Lendon Gray doesn't subscribe to the modern, "feel-good", philosophy that all participants should walk away from competition w

Flex Your Mental Muscle: Janine Little On Maximizing Self-Education
According to Little, riding is as much a physical exercise as it is cognitive. "Try something out. Learning doesn’t end when you get ou

7 Signs Your Horse Would Rather Take A Personal Day
If we occasionally get the urge to stay in and ignore the rest of the world, we care to bet that at times our horses feel the same way too.

Dark Horse Chronicles: Ranch Horse Goes From Packing Hunter's Game To FEI Centerline
At first glance, 14 year old gelding, Bruce, is just your typical run-of-the-mill ranch horse.
"He's basically an unregistered, mi

Amateur Hour: No Time For Sorry
A few months ago I had a moment of weakness and threw myself an elaborate pity party. I'm not proud of it, but I can recognize it for wh